Volunteering hours have been totaled for the year and members have been hard at work. The ABC is helping to maintain 115 miles of mountain bike trails at Lake Hope State Park, The Bailey Trail System (Wayne National Forest, Strouds Run State Park, and Sells Park (City of Athens)
The Baileys Trail system is expansive at 58 miles and therefore gets the top spot for time spent and trees cut at 1400hours, and 432 trees (limbs, vines, rootballs).
Lake Hope State Park trails saw 1130 volunteer hours, and members removed 262 trees.
Sells Park & Strouds Run doesn’t soak as many hours but an impressive hours/trees ratio with 485 hours and 192 trees removed.
Also we are happy to announce that we have reached our fundraising goal and the club would like to thank anyone who helped by donating.